Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year Begins and Another Mystery Ends.....

Hi Folks!  Sorry it's been so long since the last update.  Winter weather and the holidays throw off all the schedules.  Good things come with the new year though.  In this case it was verifying my paternal grandfather's immigration.  I had been thrown off course by the 1930 census which showed my father's parents arriving when they were extremely young (less than a year - actually they listed their birth years in the immigration year column). Thanks to a newly transcribed record of my grandfather's enlistment for World War I, i was able to verify his arrival year, as well as where he was living at the time (in Brooklyn).  Armed with my new knowledge, i searched for the passenger list for his year of arrival.  Lo and behold, i got a hit.  My grandfather Bernard arrived on October 6, 1912 aboard the S.S. Caronia out from Queenstown, Ireland.  Another piece of the puzzle verified!


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